What are the benefits of our Dry Shampoo?
Say bye to bad hair day! It's the fall big novelty! That'so launches its dry shampoo that joins the line of your favorite self-tanners to finally offer you a complete...
Say bye to bad hair day! It's the fall big novelty! That'so launches its dry shampoo that joins the line of your favorite self-tanners to finally offer you a complete...
4 ways to use our On The Go Dark No need to tell you about our On The Go Dark, your favorite, best-selling, must-have, most loved self-tanning face spray! Today...
4 façons d’utiliser notre fameux spray on the go Pas besoin de te parler de notre On The Go Dark, ton produit préféré, le meilleur vendeur, l’indispensable, le spray auto-bronzant...
Chez That’so, nous sommes fiers de te proposer des produits cosmétiques qui viendront sublimer ta beauté naturelle tout en boostant ta confiance en toi ! Pour être sûrs de te...
PROLONGER SON TAN PENDANT 7 JOURS : NOS CONSEILS ET ASTUCES ! Tu viens de recevoir ta commande That’so ou tu hésites encore ? Tu te demandes comment avoir un...
Why That'so products don't make the skin orange ? "I'm not going to end up orange?" That's a question you've probably already asked yourself! And it's quite understandable! Some self-tanners...